AIR Exhibition 2016/2017
Unfolding Creative Methods
The AIR Exhibition is a culmination of a nine-month program, featuring works by local contemporary artists who are part of the Artists in Residence Program run by Fire Station. The exhibition showcases new work and projects created by the artists during their residency period, shedding light on the development of their innovative ideas and diverse studio practices.
The exhibition also provides a unique opportunity for the resident artists to establish connections with local and regional galleries and arts professionals, as well as engage in critical dialogue and discussion with a wide public audience. This year’s artist exhibition will show the works of resident artists from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. The exhibition will cast a light on the processes of each artist to unfold the unique methods followed in their work.
Sat to Thu: 8:30am to 1:30pm - 8:30pm to 11:30pm I Fri: 8:30pm - 11.30pm
12 June - 19 August 2017 I Garage Gallery