Konkan Toastmasters OPEN HOUSE

Are you looking for a friendly space to develop/ improve your public speaking abilities?
Toastmasters offer an effective method of improving your communication and motivational skills in a supportive and enjoyable club atmosphere.
You are invited to learn more about the KONKAN TOASTMASTERS CLUB and to observe one of our meetings. Join us for our annual Open house.
Date: Monday, 13 April 2015 Timing: 07:15pm to 08:45pm (please plan ahead for traffic) Venue: Ghanem Garden Club House Age group: 18+ Dress Code: Smart Casual/ Formal
You can find more information about Konkan Toastmasters Club on Facebook. If you have questions about the event, please contact anyone on the attached Flyer.
Please register on https://eventbrite.com/event/16463531867/