Short Scriptwriting Lab

Tatiana Ermakova

Tatiana Ermakova

Working in partnership with TorinoFilmLab, the Doha Film Institute’s Short Scriptwriting Lab is designed to assist new and emerging screenwriters and writer-directors to develop and write a screenplay from an original idea with the support of international mentors. The screenplays written through this lab may be nominated for production through

Short Filmmaking Lab
Qumra Shorts
Qatari Film Fund

The Short Scriptwriting Lab provides a transformative and illuminating experience where filmmakers learn the principles of dramatic writing for short films (premise, theme, structure, character and story), examine and explore their creativity and individual voice, and gain an understanding of the international short film landscape. Candidates are encouraged to develop personal stories that come from the heart, and that reflect contemporary life in the MENA region; they should also be feasible for eventual production in Qatar or the region.

Application Deadline: 13 December, 2017

Session 1: 13 through 18 January, 2018
Session 2: 5 through 10 February, 2018

Price: QAR 1,500.00

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