Sunset To Moonrise Kayaking & BBQ at Al Thakira Mangroves Reserve

Try kayaking under the sunset and moonrise in Qatar's mangroves reserve.
We are excited to bring forward three tours for your convenience.
4PM - 8PM: Sunset to moonrise Kayaking + BBQ Set-up
6PM - 10PM: Potluck Iftar + Full Moon Kayaking + BBQ Set-up
9PM - 11PM: Full moon kayaking + BBQ Suhour
Join us in a relaxing weekend time out at Al Thakira beach; where we let you share a cultural one-dish that you bring from your house to share with others and try food from other cultures, take you on a paddling adventure along the mangroves in Qatar; followed by a relaxing BBQ and bonfire over a majles set-up at the beach.
We meet at Al Meera in Al Thakira, from where we head deep into the desert of Al Thakira. Before going into the kayaks, we will provide American Coast Guard certified life-jackets, as well as, a mandatory paddling lesson. After which, we will assist you to launch kayaks from the beach (you can ride a single or a double; Stand-up Paddle Boards are also available). We will take you in the mangroves channel where you will be given a tour about the area, its history and significance of mangroves in the eco-system. In the end, we will head back to the beach as we catch the full moon rising above the purple sky; as well as, the sun going down. You will then be allowed for BBQ.
When is it?
The tour is scheduled for both, Friday and Saturday (24 - 26 June 2016). There are three tours starting at 4PM, 6PM and 9PM. You can leave early as early as you would like to.
How much is it?
For Adults (Above 12): 200 QR without BBQ set-up, 250 QR including BBQ set-up
Children Under 12: 150 QR
Children Under 6: 100 QR
What to bring?
We provide all materials, equipment and necessary training. Due to the sensitivity of the issue, we only provide the set-up for BBQ (grills, charcoal, white coal and equipment), but not the food. So we encourage you to bring your own food for BBQ. The grills will be lit for you to just cook and enjoy! If you are joining the potluck iftar, we encourage you to bring a cultural dish (meal) with yourself to share with others.
What to wear?
You are going to the beach so swim gear is preferred. You will get wet in the kayak as the water will splash time to time. Bring towels and extra pair of clothing. Changing room and portable toilet is available.
How to Book?
Call Amine 30233207 for more information.