AC Repair advertisment sticker pasting at Main Door / Permises

It's really annoying AC repair people mostly from Najma/ Mansoora shops come & past small stickers at main Door resulting the paint peeling out while trying to remove the pasted stickers off !!
Some of the time while the building door is open they come inside and pest on the water tank etc
we try to call them, in return some sometimes say sorry and sometimes they Abuse badly that "you are not Qatari, its not your building"?? and they challenge to do and complaint where ever you like.
can someone suggest what's the best way to deal with,, and where can we highlight this issue I mean Baldia / and civic authority ?? in the end, its enough for the last 4-5 years they are NOT ready to listen or understand! and we strongly feels they should understand other concerns and privecy.
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