Ig I saw an islamophobic comment by HMC doctor

I was scrolling on instagram and saw a video where they were discussing about problem of islamophobia in india. And I was scrolling thru comments and saw an HMC doctor (their profile has it) making comment saying hindus are having it worst than muslims and they need protection than muslims. And that how muslims increasing the population of india like china.
Imagine saying all this when you're living in a safe muslim country, good paying job, free housing and healthcare.
Should I complain?? There are better people deserving to be doctors.
Yes, such people who carry venom in their hearts against Islam deserve no place in Qatar or Arab countries. You should definitely bring the matter in the notice of authorities providing them with proof. Hopefully, they will take action and kick the person out.
I have a friend who is a Pakistani. Several years back, his daughter visited a clinic in Doha. When she met the doctor who was from India, the doctor asked if she was a Pakistani. When she confirmed, the doctor asked her if she was a "terrorist". The girl did not take that query lightly. She gave a big shout and continued shouting at the doctor for over 30 minutes when the management of the clinic stepped in to control the matter.