Looking for Tandoor Drum for Tandoor Oven
By muhibsuman •
I am looking for Tandoor Drum for Tandoor Oven made by Clay or Metal. If anyone know where it available, please inform me by whatsapp @55413117. Your reply will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
My colleague is here now, any way,, she is helpful.
Thanks to all who drop their valuable comments. I found it on Al Meena market, Al Ruwais.
Don't believe anything Molten Metal posts.
My colleagues has 3 contacts, but she is on vacation, we need time, really, yes . .. .. . . ..
Since this is an item not very much in demand in Qatar, I doubt you will find a seller. Check with some people who make tandooris and they may be able to guide you. Alternatively, you may have to import one.