Back to School! Top 15 residential locations for schools in Qatar

When searching for a home, everyone has a checklist. Some want to be close to the office or place of work whilst others choose to be closer to parks, malls or even their relatives. One very important factor to consider is how close to your child's school do you need to be?
Well QL Properties have collected a list of all public schools in our most-searched-for locations. Take a look and click the link to view all properties in these areas - Good luck to you and all of the children heading back to school very soon!
Schools in Abu Hamour
In Abu Hamour there are a huge number of stand-alone villas and a few villa compounds. The villa compounds are family favorites due to their amenities like pools, security, gyms, and of course closeness to different schools.
Click here to view properties in Abu Hamour.
Schools in Ain Khaled
Ain Khaled being close to Abu Hamour is also a place of compound villas and stand-alone villas. A family area within close surroundings of many schools in Qatar.
Click here to view properties in Ain Khaled.
Schools in Al Aziziyah
Aziziyah is a quiet neighborhood with a small number of apartments and many stand-alone villas and villa compounds. Notable amenities are the Aspire park, Al Azizyah metro station, and different schools.
Click here to view properties in Al Aziziyah.
Schools in Al Dafna
Al Dafna, a seaside district, is full of hustle and bustle as it features some of the most upscale hotels, restaurants, and shopping avenues along with most of the Doha metro stations. You can find a lot of apartments and also a few stand-alone villas.
Click here to view properties in Al Dafna.
Schools in Al Markhiya
Al Markhiya is towards the North of Qatar and has a lot of luxurious stand-alone villas and villa compounds for living. The villa compounds are full of top-notch facilities.
Click here to view properties in Al Markhiya.
Schools in Al Messila
Al Messila is a small neighborhood and most of its part is occupied by schools and large gated villa compounds. It also has the Messila metro station.
Click here to view properties in Al Messila.
Schools in Al Sadd
Al Sadd is probably the busiest after Al Dafna with a huge number of shopping malls and restaurants, Al Sadd metro station along numerous apartments for rent. You can hardly find a few stand-alone villas.
Click here to view properties in Al Sadd.
Schools in Al Thumama
Al Thumama is well connected to the major road systems in Qatar which lead to key areas like Old Airport, Abu Hamor, Mesaimeer, and Al Wakrah. It mostly has stand-alone villas and a very few studio apartments.
Click here to view properties in Al Thumama.
Schools in Al Waab
Gated compounds are very common in this small district along with several Western-curriculum schools. Notable amenities are a metro station, the Aspire zone, and Villaggio Mall.
Click here to view properties in Al Waab.
Schools in Mesaimeer
Mesaimeer is home to two of the largest residential complexes in Qatar, Masaken Mesaimeer and Barwa city comprising about 1000 apartment complexes close to many of the schools.
Click here to view properties in Mesaimeer.
Schools in Old Airport
Old Airport is also known as Matar Qadeem is an area with numerous apartments and flat buildings around which many businesses and retailers cater to the residents. The area also has two metro stations and notable western schools.
Click here to view properties in Old Airport.
Schools in Onaiza
Onaiza is the foreign embassy district because of numerous embassies in the area. The area is quiet and spacious with a considerable number of stand-alone villas and some high-rise apartments.
Click here to view properties in Onaiza.
Schools in Al Khor
Al Khor is a coastal city, located 50 km north of the capital, Doha. Several stand-alone villas, buildings, and housing communities are in Al Khor along with a significant number of schools for the population.
Click here to view properties in Al Khor.
Schools in Al Wakrah
Al Wakrah, famously known as a fishing and the pearling village is the second-largest city with several residential compounds and stand-alone villas. Notable amenities include Al Wakrah metro station, waterfront Souq Al Wakrah and many schools.
Click here to view properties in Al Wakrah.
Schools in Al Wukair
A small neighborhood near Al Wakrah and the gated compound housing cover a substantial number of the town's population. It is home to a significant number of schools.
Click here to view properties in Al Wukair.
Whatever the reason may be for choosing your home, if being closer to your child’s school is the reason, be sure to visit our website for the biggest variety of residential properties in Qatar.
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