How common do you think mental illnesses are in Qatar?

Mental illness in Qatar is a very serious issue, and yet very few people seek treatment. In 2013, the Supreme Council of Health launched a 5-year plan to improve the mental health system in the country.
In March of 2016, the country’s first community-based specialized mental health center was opened. Unfortunately, there is still a social stigma towards mental health issues. To see how common mental health issues are, watch the following video.
Source: [NHSQ]
Brity, thank you. Looking things practically I would agree with you.
FYI: As per my little knowledge, all the people who prays will not get the ultimate results as they may also not in the full concentration during prayer. (The reward is decided by the creator)
How ever, there are some who follows exactly what it should be. (In life and in prayers)
This message of mine to you is only for clarification purpose.
I believe every human has good and bad. It's just a matter of improving the good.
Thank you and have a nice day.
mohamed: Sadly, for most prayer is just a duty to be performed.... They forget about its implications as soon as it is finished :O(
This morning on my way to office, A person on a land cruiser type vehicle, harassed a poor looking van in to the shoulder of the road.
I saw he was just pushing the driver’s door when the driver was trying to getting down. That's all I saw.
For my eyes, it's not a local person who push the door, but i suppose he may speak the same language.
I wonder where the problem is. If he had prayed in the morning, most probably he would have not done that.
This is my personal opinion only.
Mental illness is probably pro rata amongst all populations generally. Recognition and appropriate treatment not so much. It may be associated (incorrectly) with innate weakness, or unacceptable associations or poor adherence to social norms (a whole other conversation). IMHO here in the GCC it has been seen as a family issue rather than a societal issue that needs to be recognized and addressed as such. We all need help sometimes.
We also have to be careful - it is all too easy to blame 'mental illness' on someone's actions
For instance , just because a person is feeling down does not mean he/she is mentally ill.
I recall someone once asking - why don't the poor suffer as much from mental illness ?
Yes, "We is better than "I".
Having affairs on a normal manner will lead to a better life I suppose.
Just forgive and forget.
Yesterday I had to spent almost full day due to suspicious or a mental illness, I wonder from a tire/battery shop worker.
I remove & took the dead battery on my brother’s car to the shop and said here is the guarantee kindly give me the replacement battery.
01) He Said he needs to put on charge and take 30 minutes for it
02) I went around and came in 30 minutes, The worker said, you have 20 more minutes
03) Sat and waited. 11.30 am took the battery and fixed not worked
04) Came again at 11.55 just before the shop close, The worker challenged problem with alternator
05) Came with me, and tried. Not worked. He want to put my brothers car on the narrow gap to use the jumper cable
06) I did it and car was obviously started. I said, I’ll pray and come
07) When I came, he decided the battery is dead
08) I gave him water to drink and drop him in his shop, he requested me to come at 4 pm
09) Went at 4 pm, his boss told me to go capital police branch shop
10) Went there at 4.30 pm and they requested me to go to the same shop or Salwa branch
11) Ok, went to Salwa branch as I understood they have the machine to check the battery
12) I went there at 7 pm, and told the story. He was so apologetic and immediately gave the battery.
I am still happy. No worries.
I think the issue in most cases is, people carry forward the life from yesterday. In my case, I don’t do that.
'Never give up on someone with a mental illness. When "I" is replaced by "We", illness becomes wellness.'
Shannon L. Alder
Be calm to others even if they slap you, always think positive, keep a smile, help others as much as possible and always have faith in Allah...he is there with us always. Some tips for happy life.
Mental illness of QL users is a major problem. Joys to everyone.
We fully support this