Four Seasons Doha introduces ‘Residents Key’ offer for Qataris, local expats
Until December 31, Qatari nationals and local expats can indulge in an urban seaside retreat at the Four Seasons Hotel Doha. Special rates and amenities are available through direct contact with the Hotel (Call +974 4494 8888).
The Resident’s Key offer will include the following experiences.
Daily Breakfast
Guests are treated to a breakfast spread at the signature all-day dining restaurant Elements, featuring a delectable selection of local and international cuisine, ensuring a nutritious start to the day.
Pool and Beach Day Pass
The five pools and private sand beach will offer guests a resort-like respite. Guests can unwind by lounging poolside or soaking up the sun by the waters of the Arabian Gulf. Whether enjoying a refreshing swim with the family in the family-friendly pools or simply basking in the serenity of the beach, the attentive Pool and Beach team are on hand to cater to every need.
Indoor Spa Facilities and Fitness Centre
Four Seasons Hotel Doha’s guests will have access to the Hotel’s Spa and Wellness Centre and state-of-the-art gymnasium. The complimentary facilities also include the chromotherapy room, sauna, ice room, and indoor pools featuring an expansive hydrotherapy pool.
Additionally, guests can pursue fitness goals with access to the Hotel’s gym, equipped with a comprehensive range of equipment and personalized training services.
“Recognizing the invaluable contribution of our local expats and residents to the local economy — by choosing local getaways both during peak and off-peak seasons — is paramount for us,” Four Seasons Hotel Doha Manager Julia Selyukova.
“Offering this special rate, available exclusively through direct contact with the Hotel, is our gesture of appreciation. By giving a consistently favourable price point, we’re ensuring that our local guests’ loyalty is reciprocated. It’s our way of giving back and saying thank you with an exceptional Four Seasons experience,” she added.
With summer approaching, Four Seasons is gearing up to welcome and pamper locals who choose to spend the hot season in the city. Nestled along the pristine shores of the Arabian Gulf, Four Seasons Hotel Doha offers an unparalleled sanctuary of luxury and tranquillity with its 237 rooms and suites amidst the bustling cityscape.
Guests can immerse themselves in the Hotel’s exquisite offerings, from the ten world-class dining destinations to the serene Spa facilities, state-of-the-art Fitness Centre, and the resort-like amenities of five pools and a private sandy beach.
Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, Four Seasons Hotel Doha promises an unforgettable escape for locals and residents of Qatar.
To avail this offer, guests must present their valid Qatari ID at check-in. For more information and to inquire about availability, call/WhatsApp at +974 4494 8888.
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