Qatar files complaint over animation of missile being fired on Qatar Airways plane

Two days after Dubai-based Saudi channel Al Arabiya TV aired an animation of a missile being fired on a Qatar Airways plane, the country has filed an official complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Qatar Airways has complained that the animation was a clear attempt to ‘terrorise’ travellers who are flying on the country’s national flag carrier, reported Al Jazeera.
In a letter sent to the Montreal-based United Nations agency, Doha said the Saudi-led group that has imposed a blockade on Qatar has violated international law by broadcasting a news report showing the shooting down of a Qatar Airways passenger aircraft.
The full, two minute video, with English subtitles, can be watched HERE.
Qatar’s Permanent office at the ICAO in Montreal handed an official message from Qatar to the organisation's Secretary-General, Board President and representatives of member states, highlighting the violations of the blockading countries aimed at intimidating air passengers through their TV channels, reported Gulf Times.
The report, which was broadcast on August 9, referred to what it called the right of the siege countries to shoot down any Qatar Airways passenger aircraft that flew over their airspace.
Qatar has pointed out that the televised report constituted a clear and serious violation of international treaties and conventions, particularly the 1944 Chicago Convention, the international air traffic service agreement and international air law, according to The Peninsula.
The graphic animation clearly shows a fighter jet firing a missile at a passenger plane. Meanwhile, the voiceover commentary tells people about the options the blockading countries have in case Qatar Airways passenger jet enters their airspace.
The voiceover says they can either dispatch a fighter jet to force the plane to land after which, its members may be prosecuted for several crimes, such as breaching national security and exposing civilians to danger.
The other option, the voice says, is to ‘shoot down any plane entering its airspace.’
The voiceover further states that according to ‘international law, a state that bans flights from entering its airspace has the right to deal with the violating plane in any way it wishes.’ During this voiceover, footage of a missile being fired towards a passenger plane is clearly showed.
Qatar has asked the ICAO to ‘remind all member states that they are responsible for the safety of air traffic in their countries.’
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