Qatar News Agency hacked, fake story with made-up comments from HH The Emir posted

In an age when cyber terrorism is growing by leaps and bounds, Qatar has been keeping a keen vigil to minimize the damage.
However, sometimes, cyber attacks do get through and Tuesday night was one such incident. Unknown entities hacked into the site of the Qatar News Agency (QNA) and posted a fake news article with made-up comments from HH The Emir, reported Reuters.
The fake report, which was since removed, reported remarks purportedly by HH The Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani criticising aspects of US foreign policy in the wake of US President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia.
Qatar’s government communications office flat out denied the report and said QNA had been hacked.
“QNA website has been hacked by an unknown entity. A false statement attributed to His Highness has been published. An ongoing investigation will be put in place to look into this matter. The statement published has no basis whatsoever, and the competent authorities in the State of Qatar will hold all those (involved) accountable,” it said.
The false report, which said HH The Emir had spoken at a military graduation ceremony, cited him as being critical of renewed tensions with Gulf Arab adversary Iran.
A government spokesman told Reuters the Emir had attended a graduation ceremony for Qataris doing national service, “however, he did not make any speech or give any statements.”
It appears the QNA website is down at the time of writing this report. It is not clear whether it has been taken down for maintenance after the hack.
Meanwhile, QNA, on its Twitter account, tried to clear the air.
الدوحة في 23 مايو /قنا/ صرح سعادة الشيخ سيف بن أحمد آل ثاني مدير مكتب الاتصال الحكومي بأن موقع وكالة الأنباء القطرية (قنا) قد تم اختراقه
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 23, 2017
بعد حضور سموه لتخريج الدفعة الثامنة للخدمة الوطنية. وأفاد سعادة الشيخ سيف بأن ما تم نشره ليس له أي أساس من الصحة
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 23, 2017
وأن الجهات المختصة بدولة قطر ستباشر التحقيق في هذا الأمر لبيان ومحاسبة كل من قام بهذا الفعل المشين.
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 23, 2017
تؤكد وكالة الأنباء القطرية أن موقعها الإلكتروني قد تعرض للاختراق من قبل جهات غير معلومة وتحتفظ الوكالة بحقها في محاسبة من وراء هذا الفعل
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 23, 2017
من قبل جهة غير معروفة إلى الآن، وتم نسب تصريح مفبرك لحضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 23, 2017
قنــا | وزير الخارجية يؤكد أنه لم يقل سحب أو طرد السفراء وأن تصريحه أخرج من سياقه. pic.twitter.com/tTKOGzntyd
— وكالة الأنباءالقطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) May 24, 2017
What if both the source are hacked. Never trust any news
The fake report, which was since expelled, announced comments purportedly by HH The Emir Sheik Tamim container Hamad Al Thani reprimanding parts of US remote arrangement in the wake of US President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia. www.researchpaperlabs.com
This is why its good to never take a story from one source at face value. Always double check - especially before responding