Offensive hand signs that might attract punishment in Qatar

Hand gestures which do not agree with the norms and values of Qatar are treated as an offence and therefore punishable by law, Captain Rashid Mubarak al-Khayareen of the Community Police Department has said.
He also said that Qatari laws and regulations prohibit begging and there is harsh punishment awaiting beggars in the country.
The official was addressing the leaders from different expatriate communities during an interaction held at the headquarters of the Traffic Department recently.
The Community Police Department works under the Ministry of Interior (MoI).
At the meeting, he said that it was highly important for the Interior Ministry to get the co-operation and partnership of the community members to achieve its security goals.
Al-Khayareen explained: “The Ministry of Interior adopts the concept of community policing as part of its belief that the responsibility of defending the security of Qatar is the responsibility of everyone and the citizens and residents are the beneficiaries of it.”
He advised the residents to be careful about fraudsters. “You can straightaway ask for the ID card of the policeman, whenever you are asked to produce your ID card by a person who is in civil dress and claims he is a policeman.”
The official continued that Qatar was a traditional Islamic country and the Qataris expected every resident of the country to take care of the customs and follow the same.
He said: “The country has its own customs and traditions and the people of Qatar are committed to follow it and they love everyone who respects those customs and follows them.”
According to al-Khayareen all the residents, both men and women should wear descent clothes, dresses that covered the body properly and they must avoid improper dresses contrary to the taste of the citizens.
“The Qatari society gives respect to women and therefore we expect that the residents also will do the same,” he added.
Captain al-Khayareen further said that if anybody was in need of financial support, they might approach the charity organisations in the country as they are formed to support and help the needy and the poor. Begging in markets, commercial complexes and residential neighbourhoods are strictly prohibited.
He also said that the laws and regulations of the country prohibit fishing or riding bicycles in areas designated for families such as the Corniche, or near sensitive areas and economic establishments.
Similarly, people should avoid taking pictures of women or men without their permission.
Al-Khayareen said that people must avoid the practice of urinating or spitting on the streets or sleeping in the public places such as gardens or gathering in front of the houses of others which are contrary to the customs and traditions of the country.
He also appealed the residents to stay away from writing on walls as graffiti it might cause harassment for people.
Source: Gulf Times
This Qatari ignorance is wrapped up in the usual meaningless drivel. Such two-faced rubbish and the yacking about 'respect for women' just shows up those spouting belies what is in their hearts and minds.
LOL. Mittens.
Here in Qatar with the worlds worst drivers (no not just Qatari's there are plenty of the worlds worst drivers from other countries here too), it is sooooo hard not to make hand signals indicating to the recipient how mad at them you are. But we must restrain and hope they can't lip read.
This is why I wear mittens when I drive. It just looks like I am waving at them.
these are common hand signs... and they find it offensive?? lolz... no such elaborate reason for EACH hand sign to explain why they are offensive??
third row 2nd from right - is the widely used middle finger gesture...
how about the gesture where people put the tips of their fingers together.. where they block the road and just throw you this to wait some more..
Cricket cannot be played in Qatar...
As the Umpire cannot signal "out" pointing the fore finger to the sky...
and never do "Thumbs up"...
LOLL.. Seriously.. its a joke.. so dumb i would say..
Cannot order karak now. (2nd and 3rd sign in last row) *sigh*
and now we cannot show appreciation to someone who gives us way on road (2nd from left; first row)
Can't scratch the nose with the index finger (2nd sign from left in the last row)..better shove the whole hand up the nose with all fingers closed...:)
Guys !!! This information is for your information doesn't matter what is included and what is excluded. It has been posted in the best interest of Public (Both local and Residents). the intention is to make you aware so as to avoid silly fines / punishments that can happen to any one of us at any time. Unfortunately.
Hope it makes sense.
Lol,, made me laugh!!!
Just use your toes.
Quite perturbing that I have been unknowingly violating a law everytime I signal at someone to grab their attention(top row, second pic from left), Indicated to someone I need two of something(Middle row,second pic from left) given the Ok(Middle row,3rd pic from left)etc.
And many Muslims tend to hold out their index finger up high when stating "God is one", which now maybe illegal as well!
And if you indicate to someone to look behind them, lo behold, you cannot use that sign as well(last line, 1st pic from the left)
Seriously....is this all for real???
so no high five, no fist bump, darn...
qatarisun spank him...lol
QS..my bad...I didn't see the spelling and got carried away by the usual...:)
Remind me not to show rock n roll sign in a concert....\m/
HG, it was descent, not decent..
'Decent' seems to have been covered in the later part which says "dresses that covered the body properly and they must avoid improper dresses contrary to the taste of the citizens" ...now 'improper dress contrary to the taste of citizens' may need clarification since the citizens wear thobes and abayas...:)
" both men and women should wear descent clothes"...
descent clothes??
what does THAT mean??
I knew that fingers would be an issue some day that is why even drive holding the steering at the bottom, away from anyone's gaze. Never know holding steering with both hands can be construed offensive in some way since people here don't use there hands for driving otherwise...:)
BB, the 6th sign will affect most Asians coz we use it for sign of peace and "Japan Japan" sign -- usually do that hand sign when taking pics. Haha!
the 7th sign is the "OK" sign used universally during scuba diving...
the 8th sign is "telephone" gesture used universally inside offices to gesture for telephone call.
... and looks like they have taken the middle finger off the list... just in time for FIFA World Cup Football...
Expect amazing...
Hmm.. Seriously? it doesn't make sense at all. If it's a middle finger sign then it's really offensive, and to think that it's not included there. LOL!
imagine I show my middle finger to you, what are you going to do?? call 999 and tell them someone showed you his middle finger? while I know 999 is too busy to come all the way for someone who got offended by middle finger imagine they came, how can you prove that I did it? haha
I see signs here that are use in music,traffic and some signs that we even use unintentionally.Is this some kind of joke...Cuz it don't make any sense...Hmmm it's rather hysterical...Seems like some people have a lot of time in their hands...Pity...
Geez some of these hand signs are used in officiating games. Referees/Umpires should be careful.
No,it's mentioned in the last row - 2nd last
...and i guess the middle finger is legal.LOL
whoever proposed or wrote this article might have been a victim of several hand gestures.LOL. he just wanted to remind people about it. haha
when they say it MIGHT, it means that for some people it will attract punishment and for some people it wont ;)
How can the sign in second row, third from left be offensive? It's "Ok" sign. The sign next to it means "Please phone me".
How about the evidence, do you need to produce a photo of a person holding these hand sings?
I am very confused.
So I cant order karak anymore... *sigh*
So funny!!! How come these are offensive. One time I was crossing the street in Industrial Area when a pick up on the other lane went in my direction and nearly hit me and shouted and laugh at me. So I gave him the finger. Then he went back to me and confronted me and tried to call 999. I just turned away and told him if u want respect u have to give respect first to others. He is wearing sonata but I don't think he is Qatari.
What a relief there is no mention about reading the newspaper while while drinking coffee while talking on the phone whilst driving with your knees, with 10 kids standing on the front seat with their heads out the sunroof.
At least they have their priorities right...no bunny ears!
Did I just inadvertently break multiple laws when I used the second hand gesture to wave to my mate while fishing with my kids at the corniche?
It looks like the person who created that poster had a lot of fun making the little shadow bunnies. The first one looks like two friends standing side-by-side hugging each other with their other arm up in the air. Maybe that is why it is outlawed; that must be the highly offensive 'Give me a hug' sign.
I don't understand why the second from the list is prohibited, how about you are driving then somebody gave way to you, then you want to show appreciation about he/she do, sometimes this hand sign we always do
there is a lot of rules,it is good if nobody is exempted or for expats only???
So we should all wear mittens!
As it appears even having hands is offensive according to the pic
....just showing your hands might be offensive cause up yours ain't part of the list....
....might as well put your hands in your pockets, leg on the dashboard and drive...:-)
The second hand sign is offensive? I am guessing it is offensive in context, like the whole palm coming in for a high impact contact with your face but other than that, as a hand sign, how is it offensive to warrant punishment by law?
Really ????
You forget those bullying land cruisers drivers that flash their lights, drive on emergency lance and drive at less than 2 meters behind you, I assume that is also considered an offensive sign ?
The most commonly used middle finger is not in picture.
Means it is legalized to continue with some arrogant drivers.
Cover it! hide it!
every possible movement is objectionable :D
I guess flipping the middle finger is quite acceptable?