WATCH: Dohalicious - Massive Mandi!

Join Gigi and Jorge as they discover how to cook Mandi - a traditional Qatari dish - in the first episode of your newest favorite cooking show: DOHALICIOUS!
#Dohalicious #Qatar #Doha #Delicious #Sealine #Desert #Cooking#Traditional #Arabic #Qatari #Cuisine #Foodie #Foodlovers#Foodforlife #Eat
The mandi meal is yemeni food
love love love mandi my heart is full of love for mandi my mind is full of cravings for mandi and my tummy is full of hunger for mandi :-)
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That's for Inspector Clouseau to decide.
Excuse me!!! this is a traditional yemeni dish not qatari.
i know this coz am yemeni