Name issue on QID

Hi Everyone
Need some advice on the following issue.
So my mother has her first name and last name on her passport: AAA BBB. The passport also mentions the name of her husband (my father) in a separate line, CCC DDD EEE.
What the immigration did was when they issued her the QID, in Arabic the name is fine, but in English, its: AAA BBB DDD EEE CCC.
I don't know why they added the husband name in English when in Arabic they didn't.
No spelling mistakes, nothing mentioned that cannot be cross checked with the passport, just that the Given Name and Surname (PLUS) Husbands entire name is mentioned in English.
Went to the MOI, they explained a lengthy process of publishing in newspaper etc (at least 3 weeks).
She needs to travel now, I understand coming into and out of Doha isn't going to be an issue, but when checking in outstation, can airline staff or immigration overseas pose any issues?
Any insight would be highly appreciated.
But to be on the safe side, u may try to check with the Travel Agents, they can give u some information as well.
Hi. As long as the QID is valid & the name in English appears to be correct as per the Passport then no issues.
My Name has similar error i.e. in Arabic its my father name & in English its my correct name. Never faced any problem going in & out of country & also any other GCC country.