WATCH: Parasailing in Qatar!

Parasailing, also known as parascending or parakiting, has fast become a popular activity in Qatar and across many countries in the Gulf. Parasails were originally created with skydiving and the military in mind, but are now first and foremost recognised for their recreational use.
Pierre-Marcel Lemoigne, a French engineer, is credited for this particular brainchild. NASA, however, can take the credit for making the chute an instrument of fun.
The space agency used parasails as part of pilot survival training in the 1960s, and after some time the spectacle of the training began to draw crowds along beaches.
With the weather in Qatar being as harsh as it is during the summer, getting blasted with a breeze may be just the ticket you need for some outdoor catharsis and plain old fun, though it's definitely not suited for those with a fear of heights.
Popular parasailing destinations include Sealine and Katara Beach, and prices start as low as QR 100, so get out there!
PC: groupon.com
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