WATCH: Laws of Qatar - Overtime Pay

Not paying employees for overtime work is ILLEGAL in Qatar.
As per Qatar Labor Law, the maximum working hours are 48 per week. For any additional hours of work, employers are required to pay at least 125% of their worker's basic salary. If employees are required to work on their rest day (or on public holidays) they shall be entitled to at least 150% of their basic wage. These are basic rights and any contract conditions violating it are considered void.
How much have you earned from overtime lately?
PC: bostonnews.cf
We working in supermarket for 56 hours and always cancelling our dayoff we dont have a regular dayoff we need to rest also. Were not robot to continue our work without dayoff We need to take also a rest and time for our family and specialy now a days theres a pandemic. If we dont have a proper rest to our body we can easily infected with the virus. But the company dont care for us.
Great video. Where does a person go to complain about abuse of this law
This Is such a joke. I work for a company where I am forced to work for 12 hours a day with no breaks for 6 days a week . No overtime paid . I have ended up with a lower back disc issue due to long sitting hours . No complaints . Just keep quiet, else end up getting terminated. It's good to see videos posted on usual working hours humans practise. But there's a dark side where we are suppressed at one end . If possible, they would have made Friday a working day too .
Government company may b less tym good pay
These complaints only private and low wage people
The comments seem to prove that the 'Law' is permanently violated in Qatar. Normal?
I m saying for engineering category 13 hrs work for 6 days so 78 hours...
I work for 60 hours a week minimum,
one day off only for eid holidays
no holidays for national day and sports day
get one salary every 70 days of working
still the company is surviving
Morning 6 to 7 daily working 6 days per week working .. we can't talk to management they l tel to resign least bother , but government should see and warn those companies or they should pay extra money or good pay giving veryyyy lower salary ....
Are this law really are applicable in general? I work on public holiday and what I got is only an off replacement without any extra payment. U have to work more than 5 public holiday and above only then u can convert to some sort of money.
Agree with ExQat. Even with the current Wage Protection, some people dont get salaries on time and or huge delays.
Depends on how powerful the sponsor.
The Sponsor is lord almighty.
This only looks good on paper. The reality is somewhat different.