Dear Sir / Madam
Good day
Kindly be advised that I have strong experience In Qatar ( as the Operation , Fleet supervisor , administration , logistics supervision ,Procurement & purchasing & maintenance), because I have worked in several departments in several companies with different fields .
I hope my attached CV will meet your satisfaction and requirements.
For more details, please feel free to contact me. 55560529 .
*- Sincere, honest, and hard working.
*- Excellent interpersonal relationships
*- Highly motivated.
*- Industrious and result oriented.
Language :
Arabic - Native
English - Excellent
Waiting your kind response.
الساده الافاضل
ارجوا منكم التكرم بمنحي فرصة المقابله الشخصيه
حيث انني امتلك خبره جيده في المجال الاداري واللوجيستي المكتبي والميداني والمشتريات والاشراف العام والصيانه بحكم عملي في اكثر من قسم و في أكثر من شركه في مجالات مختلفه.
وجزاكم الله خيرا
Thanks & Regards
Emran Alzghoul