Mid Career
5-6 Years
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SHOAIB AHMED KHAZIshoaibkhazi64@yahoo.comMobile: 00974 66946994NOC with Transferable VisaCAREER OBJECTIVE:To obtain a challenging position in a dynamic organization and be an integral part ofgrowth-oriented company. To utilizes and grow my analytical, research and technicalskills in a dedicated organization.WORKING EXPERIENCE:1.Working at NASSER AL JABER CONTRACTING AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT CO WLLQATAR, As BUSINESS DEVELPOMENT OFFICER FROM 31/12/2022 Till Now PRESENT.Roles and Responsibilities: -• Reporting directly to General manger in daily sales and activities developing &implementing marketing strategies of sales and Marketing.• Generate leads from external source, meeting old clients, events and daily visitclient’s office, sending quotation, finalizing deal and Documentation.• Schedule appointments Clients, prepare and delivering presentation to the client,having researched their business requirements.• Promoting and maintaining Facility management team in various client sites.• Supervising Subcontract Civil team at site and material requisitions as per siterequirement.• Sourcing man force (skilled and Unskilled manpower) from social media and internalnetwork according to the client requirement.• Maintaining excellent Customer relations CRM with clients to generate revenues andbusiness.• Proficiency in MS Office and ERP.• Follow-up every client to build good relationship and financial stability after sales andservices.• Achieving targets within the given period of time.• Taking feedback from client after sale and service2. MATRIX INCORPORATED CONTRACTING COMPANY QATAR (GULF NETWORKPROJECTS) FROM 13/11/2017 Till 13/12/2022. As a Business Development officer.Roles and Responsibilities: -• Support Business development manager in developing & implementing newmarketing strategies to the company.• Generate leads from external source, meeting old client’s events and daily visitclient’s office.• Schedule appointments, prepare and deliver presentation to the client, havingresearched their business requirements.• Follow-up every client to build good relationship and financial stability after salesand services.3. PLEDGE ELECTRO MECHANICAL GROUP WLL QATAR, MEP Man power suppliers, worked hereas a Marketing Executive From 30/3/2015 Till 1/3/2017 Worked with4.From 2013 to 2015 Worked with HIMALAYA DRUGS COMPANY as a Marketing,Sales and Accounts Executive, BANGALORE.EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:Qualification Course INSTITUTE University /Board Year of passing AggregateMBA PESITM, INDIA VTU 2013 59%BBM AMBEDKAR BBM KUVEMPUUNIVERSITY2011 69%ACADEMIC PROJECT DETAILS:➢ First Year MBA Project: “Basic attributes and personality traits required forHuman Resource Executive”From: 19-2-2015 to 20-4-2015➢ Second Year MBA Projects: “Understanding the Purchase habit of Babycare consumers “Himalaya Drug Company, BangaloreFrom: 19-12-2012 to 25-02-13.➢ BBM project: Consumer Attitude towards Hera Honda Splendor NXGTECHNICAL QUALIFICATION:➢ Obtained Diploma Course in COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING From ICTKarnatakaTECHNICAL SKILLS:➢ MS office➢ Tally➢ Computer Hardware and Software Installation➢ Application software InstallationSKILLS:➢ Good analytical and presentation skill➢ Ability to deal with people➢ Hardworking➢ Can adjust to any situation➢ Excellent Team player➢ Quick LernerACHIEVEMENTS:➢ Our Marketing team was won award of best Marketing team while I am workingin Himalaya Drugs Company.➢ Secured 1st position in “Management Information System” in second Semester2012➢ Won the best Business Idea award at the Management Fest, in third SemesterMBA, Won Certificate from ICFAI University for Best Teacher’s Day messagecontest.PERSONAL DETAILS:NAME : SHOAIB AHMED KHAZIDATE OF BIRTH : 11/02/1991FATHER’S NAME : IRSHAD AHMEDNATIONALITY : INDIANMARITAL STATUS : MARRIEDKNOWN LANGUAGES : ENGLISH, HINDI, URDU, AND KANNADA.STRENGTH : SELF- MOTIVATED.QATAR DRIVING LICENSE: YESVISA STATUS : TRASNFERABLEDECLARATION:I hereby declare that all the details given above are true to the best of myknowledge and belief.DATE YOURS OBEDIENTLYPLACE SHOAIB AHMED KHA