Horses in Qatar.. Owning/Boarding

Not sure if anyone has any info on this but I have some questions.
Can I own and board a horse somewhere in Doha? My daughter is an equestrian and has 2 horses. She is wanting to bring one of them with her. Is there a way to board a horse or keep him there? I know I've seen there's the stable that offers lessons and such, but I'm talking bringing a horse into the country. I know we can do it in Dubai but not sure about Qatar. Any ideas? I can't find anything by searching google.
So I will:
1) import the horse
2) need to board the horse
3) need a riding facility
This would be for jumping if it makes a difference.
Hello Lea,
if u are in Qatar, please visit the Race And Equestrian Club in Rayyan, they will be able to help u out.
If u are not in Qatar, just mention it here and i will check out their telephone no or email address and forward it to u. hows that???