Why Crystal sand is Fraud and Scam - Gulfgate/Crystal Sand/ Royel regis scam
1) As a victim myself, I experienced how vicious they are and how they give excuses while asking for serices, the quality of service and the way they handle customers issues.
2) The price: They offers all the services at almost quarter or less price than other competetors. Even if they really give services to 1/5th of the customers they will still be at loss. Because they will be paying half or more of the money we paid in the form of vouchers, pay salary to all employees of multiple departments, rent & maintenance of building, share to sponsor etc.
3) Their scheme: They way they pushes package is not usual. If they are offering good services at reasonable prices why they have to push it so hard on people. The way they lure victims, their process, everything is same as previops travel scams happened in Qatar.
4) How Crystal Sands Tourism makes profit:
1) Most of the customers wont be using packages as they have to book flight ticket and plan other expenses and time. They will never refund money to then unless they are really troublemakers. Even for refund they wont give full money. They will pressure you to downgrade package or transfer it to someone.
2) They will never give service until you own a blogger/vlogger(another way to promote). You have to really put up some fight to get some service.
3) Even if you flight for service, they will only give hotel booking without tax. If you couldn't travel, they will mark it as service is used and they get a refund.
4) They will run away when they started getting more pressure and their monthly target is not met(they are no longer trustworthy).
5) If you paid really high amount they will give you service for a period of time so that you wont ask for refund.
If you still think they are legit, please check how gulf gate scammed and how many of them are still trying to recover money.
Please be aware of frauds .. dont beleive their colorful words..
Crystal sands tourism and the above both are same .. please visit and get the money..
Please gather all victims immediately
riyagupta9975@gmail.com and Anikat knows them.. where are they..
Vickey krishna bala ram krishna Passport No. is N7603970.
QID 28735679887
Did you raise any complain yet
You can file a complaint officially to make it work, atleast report them to be investigated for blacklisting for future business scam or opening new business with same scheme. In Qatar, authorities take it seriously, i think you can file with police, or MOCI consumer complaint section with case specifics.
how to get money??
RED ALERT Crystal Sands Tourism.
Company is closed .. al people escaped to India.. No one in Qatar.
Office no. 110, 1st floor, Bin Dirham Plaza (above Lulu Express), B – Ring Road, Doha, Qatar.
Ph. No: +974 40370383 /+97477633438 /+974 77610744 (10.30 am to 6.30 pm except on Sunday)
Email: customercare@crystalsandstourism.com
Please gather all victims immediately
More than 50 million Qatar riyals looted
Vickey Krishna Balaram QID 28735679887 Ph : 77610744 /60070678
Kiran 33222175
Rahul Galote 77610772
Sham 33550795/33483811
Chiraq 77610744
AAlya 77633438
Jaffer 66952720
Paul 51179733
Pooja 60079246
Tanzil 66316470
David 60071901
Alya 60080386
Shankar 5045991
Basically targeting Indian families to trap. so that easily convince..
Pakka scam doing crystal sands tourism.. taking our money in millions..